You’ve made your list and checked it twice, but did you remember to get a little something for your feet?
Read MoreThe holiday season has begun and even if your celebrations look a little different this year, you’ll still have plenty of running around to do to pull it all together. It means there will be more demands on your feet! Help keep them in tip-top shape.
Read MoreWe know as winter approaches, it may be easy to think your feet don’t need as much attention as they do in warmer seasons when they’re more exposed. However, heavy socks and boots don’t protect your feet from many common ailments.
Read MoreTaking care of dry skin is just one way to care for the skin on your feet. In recognition of Healthy Skin Month, we’d like to offer some other tips to help with skin disorders on your feet.
Read MoreIt’s time for trick or treat and scary movies, but one thing we know shouldn’t be frightening is getting foot pain and discomfort diagnosed and treated.
Read MoreIt’s not always easy to get to the root of foot and ankle discomfort. If your foot pain is not being caused by an obvious condition or injury, you may want to consider the following.
Read MoreEveryone’s more than ready for sun and fun, and we want to make sure that a foot injury or other disorder doesn’t stand in your way.
Read MoreWe are hearing about an increase in the number of patients experiencing pain, aches, weakness, and tiredness in their feet and legs.
Read MoreWe want to recognize Skin Cancer Awareness Month and provide patients with some important information about skin cancer on your feet.
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The vast majority of podiatrists are offering telemedicine services. If you are experiencing a problem, contact your podiatrist and ask if telemedicine services are available.
Read MoreIn April, we focus on podiatric health. One very basic and simple way to care for your feet is by examining them regularly for changes or signs that may indicate a developing problem.
Read MoreAlthough most schools are providing distance learning materials, you’ll likely find you still have many hours a day to fill. We’d like to propose a fun and informative session for your children all about feet.
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News of the Novel 2019 Coronavirus (COVID-19) has caused great concern to all. You should know that most Podiatry offices are fortunate to have small clinics that limit the number of people you encounter and are doing their best to take precautions for your health and safety. Podiatrists are offering their normal services with the following considerations:
Read MoreIn honor of New Year’s, we’d like to offer these tips for taking better care of your feet in 2020.
Read MoreWe know it’s the time of year for enjoying outdoor winter sports like skiing, ice skating, sledding, and snowboarding. You may not realize it, but depending on how low the temperatures go, it is possible to get frostbite in as little as 15 to 30 minutes.
Read MoreAlthough sweaty feet may not seem like a major problem, they can be the cause of considerable stress, particularly in teenagers who are self-conscious about their bodies.
Read MoreA podiatrist is a medical doctor that is qualified to diagnose and treat any conditions related to your feet, toes and ankles. Here are some suggestions for ensuring that your appointment with the podiatrist is as productive as possible.
Read MoreAs Halloween approaches, we know that scary is the theme of the season. As a patient, there are certain foot health problems that have alarming names, but often turn out to be fairly common and treatable conditions.
Read MoreMany patients look forward to getting out their sandals and summer shoes but may discover they are less than pleased when they put them on.
Read MoreMarch is National Nutrition Month and a good time to see how your diet impacts the health of your lower extremities.
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